Building the Resilience to Thrive in a VUCA World

VUCA stands for volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity, and is an acronym describing the situation of constant change we've experienced in the past few years.
To succeed, our future generations must learn to deal with change in a globalized, face-paced world. And if they go on to become leaders, they have to help organizations and people navigate through this VUCA environment. This is the second workshop of a 2-Part Series that focuses on long-term stresses and building resilience to turn challenges into learning opportunities in a VUCA world.
Course length :
2 hours

Mahesh Pamnani
Mahesh Pamnani is Inspire2Aspire Consulting's Chief Happiness Officer and Wellness Coach / Mental Health Educator / Trainer. He has been leading health & happiness workshops for Corporates, NGOs and HK Government since 2009.