Bringing all the elements and working together naturally creates synergy and a thriving organization
Following the launch of your company’s employee wellness program, we support wellbeing initiatives, offer consultation services and continue to serve clients to create healthy & happy organizations with engaged and productive employees.
CEO Retreats
The CEO Retreat provides an opportunity for corporate, NGO and community leaders to share ideas, knowledge and experience to develop wellness solutions for the 21st century.
Inspire2Aspire’s trainers facilitate this process by sharing data about wellness and the recommended practices for success.
Manager Flourishing Toolkit
The Managers Flourishing Tooklit Workshop is a fantastic resource based on the science of positive psychology that all managers can use to work with and inspire and motivate their employees & team members towards peak performance, higher productivity, create engagement, boost morale and provide mental clarity.
Wellness Days / Asia Employee Wellbeing Week / Health Week / Work-Life Balance Week
Wellbeing Days provide an opportunity for staff to learn about the importance of health and wellbeing and the impact on performance. This includes wellbeing / work-life balance / health week. Many companies call us for Fit and Fun Fridays as well.
We organize fun, experiential workshops to raise awareness about health and wellbeing, and equip participants with the tools to become healthier and happier individuals.
Team Building Activities:
Laughter Yoga Icebreaker / Energizer
Laughter is contagious and it spreads to participants on Zoom and in-person.
Laughter Yoga can be used for Team Building, to boost Employee Engagement, to Relieve Stress and Reduce Absenteeism. Not to mention, it is a great exercise for the body and the brain.